Supply Chain Optimization

Oil $60!!!!! - Transportation | Warehouse Optimization

Written by Tom Moore | Feb 17, 2021 12:00:00 AM
 Here is why oil prices have increased and will continue increasing (if OPEC and Russia keep a steady hand): 
  • Shell said that in the next decade, it would cut production of traditional fuels such as diesel and gasoline by 55%. Its oil output has already peaked
  • OPEC and the International Energy Agency said second-half oil demand would outstrip production – quickly drawing down the former glut of crude
  • New Government orders banning fracking and killing pipelines
The US has again shifted to be a net importer of oil (it had been a net exporter).
This all leads to oil being $60.15 per barrel on Tuesday and Diesel is $2.88 – unless you live in California, and then it is $3.63!
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