Supply Chain Optimization

The Day Of Reckoning Is At Hand!

Uber Freight is doing to shippers (and we assume receivers) what UberX has done for passengers…

Uber Freight is doing to shippers (and we assume receivers) what UberX has done for passengers… rating them.  For too long, carriers have been rated by shippers… but few carriers have had the audacity to rate shippers.  Now there will be a database, and known bad actors may get a rude awakening.  In a world where many suppliers are paying premium freight costs to ship to these bad actors, this awakening may force them to clean up their acts and stop blaming others.  I’d really love to name names here… but I am sure I would be sued. 
On Friday, US District Judge Timothy Brooks reaffirmed that PAM Transport violated federal labor laws when they didn’t pay their truck-driver employees at least minimum wage for every non-sleeping hour spent in their truck.  Watch for this to ripple through the courts and challenge pure mileage-based driver pay.