Supply Chain Optimization

Ok, What Do We Do Now?

Things are happening quickly – how do you react to things like…

Things are happening quickly – how do you react to things like Ohio raising its load weight limit to 90,000 lbs?   How do you keep pickers picking and loaders loading?  How do you keep the supply chain humming?  The number one thing we will all agree on is looking after the people.  Here are a few strategies that I am hearing:
  • Pay attendance bonuses and sick time 
  • Keep work teams separate…if one goes down, you have not lost everything
  • Have truck drivers stay a safe distance BUT also provide them perks like food sacks and good, often cleaned bathrooms
  • Speed payments to trucking companies
Because we are all in this together, if you have more things to add to this short list, we’ll add them to our website for everybody.