Supply Chain Optimization

The Dock Schedule Drives Inefficiency

Most warehouses use the time the trailer leaves to sequence picking, etc. It all makes sense in a perfect world….but we know that we all try to pick and load ahead. And we know that this creates problems as inbound inventory may not have arrived ...

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What Comes After The Corona Virus Storm?

Bigger ships. While over 400 sailings have been canceled since February on key lanes, a new… Bigger ships. While over 400 sailings have been canceled on key lanes since February, a new container ship is being launched: the Megamax. This giant ship ...

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Warehousing Problem

Not many people woul\d call it a warehousing problem, but simply put, there is almost no place to put oil production…storage facilities (tank farms = warehouses) are full. When I asked one oil executive last week when they would use pipelines to ...

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Healthcare Supply Shortage

JIT (just-in-time) inventory policies are being blamed for shortages of medical equipment and toilet paper. My comment is… JIT (just-in-time) inventory policies are being blamed for shortages of medical equipment and toilet paper. My comment is: ...

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Trucking Being Hurt

The good news for carriers is… The good news for carriers is: Traffic is not a concern – average speed in cities like LA and Atlanta has more than doubled Fuel costs are down – BUT, with fewer miles being driven by gasoline vehicles, the refineries ...

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Ok, What Do We Do Now?

Things are happening quickly – how do you react to things like… Things are happening quickly – how do you react to things like Ohio raising its load weight limit to 90,000 lbs? How do you keep pickers picking and loaders loading? How do you keep the ...

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Heroic Grocery Supply Chain

Extreme (panic) demand meets with the US grocery supply chain…. and the supply chain is… Extreme (panic) demand meets with the US grocery supply chain…. and the supply chain is keeping up. Store shelves may have been bare yesterday – but through ...

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The World Is NOT Coming To An End

After being rebuffed by Russia, the Saudi’s made it clear that if Mr. Putin didn’t want to cut oil supplies along with OPEC, they would ruin the Russian economy. With oil down nearly 50% over the past weeks, Russia’s principal source of currency has ...

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Green Trucks?

In the US, trucks emit about 7% of greenhouse gases – compared with 17% coming from cars and light trucks. But, just as the government is pushing to reduce the carbon emissions of cars by moving them into electric, higher mileage, etc., there is ...

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Why It Is So Hard To Hire Warehouse Workers

People in the prime age for case picking and truck loading are more expensive and harder to find. Consider this: Wages for 20-24 years old – are increasing at double the speed of other workers Labor participation of 16-24 years old – down 10% (more ...

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