Supply Chain Optimization

No-Emission Trucks

Zero-emission truck

Next year, truck manufacturers will need to supply 9% of trucks sold in California to be zero-emission. But this is tougher than it sounds: Batteries add substantial weight —decreasing payload. Consider an EV Hummer weighs in at 9,000# Batteries ...

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Benefits of Transportation Deployment Scheduler LevelLoad

The benefits of the transportation deployment scheduler LevelLoad are numerous. Kimberly-Clark is a global leader in child care and personal care goods, with such famous brands as Kleenex, Huggies, Kotex, and Cottonelle, Scott, among others. Demand ...

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Exciting News On Load Factor /Oil Not So Great

There is a bill in Congress to pilot allowing 6-axle tractor-trailers to get permits to gross 91,000#. If they use a tri-axle, it can’t exceed 45,000. AutoO₂ is ready to manage these bigger shipments today. What I am not ready for is the honesty of ...

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Panama Canal And Diesel Cheaper Than Gasoline

Ships transiting the Panama Canal now can draw more than 44 ft. of water— i.e., the biggest ships must reduce their payloads. Reason: The canal goes over a hill — and to do that, it gathers water from the surrounding area and uses it to raise the ...

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Railroads lead the way

Of course, the year was 1883! Before that, each town or city would set its own solar time based on when the sun was directly overhead. Different railroads used different time standards, sometimes based on major cities like Philadelphia or New ...

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Bring Back The Fax Machine

At the same time that iRobot is suing Expeditors International for lost sales after malware shut down Expeditors last year, Americold is suffering a debilitating hack. What do you do if you use a 3PL warehouse? One Americold customer sent staff to ...

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More Trucking Companies To Go Bankrupt

Why more trucking companies will go bankrupt: "Spot rates excluding total estimated fuel costs are only 3% higher than they were in the spring of 2019. It doesn't take an economist to figure that operating costs have grown more than 3% over the past ...

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Knight/Swift Projectors For 2023

Knight/Swift projections after reporting a big drop in profits for Q1:• Continued softness in freight demand with non-contract rates trending below contract rates through the first half of 2023 • Capacity continues to exit at an accelerating rate • ...

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Significant Woes In The Trucking Industry

Bob Costello with the ATA has some great points: The freight market is and has been worse than the macro-economy for a host of reasons, including: • Consumers move back to buying services (e.g., travel) • Related, port volumes have plummeted • ...

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Owning Truck Stops Is Hot—Renewable Fuels Are Not

Owning truck stops is hot: BP tried to buy TravelCenters of America (TA) (NOTE—BP owned a then much smaller TA (~50 sites) in the mid-1980s, having purchased from Ryder). ARKO swooped in offering more money. Who is ARKO? 1400 “C” stores in 30 states ...

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