Supply Chain Optimization

What Will Diesel Prices Be Next Year?

Answering this question is harder now than ever:
Forcing prices up:
  • Saudi Arabia and Russia (the second and third largest producers in the world) are planning production cuts along with OPEC
  • US embargo on Iran (which has more exceptions than expected)
  • Canada cutting production
  • At some point, shale drilling becomes uneconomical – but producing from existing wells (sunk costs) will continue, albeit the well life is relatively short
Bringing prices down:
  • US shale producers.  When more pipelines are built in – for example, the Permian Basin – expect oil production to jump.  Of interest is the producers there, constrained by regulation about how much byproduct gas they can flare (burn-off) are paying to get it taken away…this is at a time when gas is at one of its highest prices in years
  • Slowing global demand
In the Thanksgiving rush, UPS delivered 98.3% on time.  FedEx delivered 98.9%.  It seems that the new infrastructure has resulted in the best on-time delivery performance in the last 5 years.