Supply Chain Optimization

Recession In Trucking

Class 8 truck orders are down 80% from July last year and 69% June to June. But let’s put things in perspective… Class 8 truck orders are down 80% from July last year and 69% June to June. But let’s put things in perspective – most years ~240,000 ...

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Rail Losing Steam

Tightening schedules has generated a lot of productivity improvements: Dwell time in the yards down (NS was 25.5 hours – now 18) Average miles per day per car up (up 7% on the UP) Operating ratio improved (CSX was 67% last year – now 59%) But this ...

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Sanity in Hours of Service

Revised hours of service rules were released on Wednesday. The new rules, when implemented, provide flexibility for drivers to determine when to take breaks and when they can be off the clock. These rules should cut carrier costs without ...

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JB Hunt: Revenue Up – Income Down

JB Hunt is my bellwether – I can see what is happening in each segment. My summary is: Prices are up in truckload Brokerage is suffering from increased costs and declining spot prices Intermodal is a mixed bag – maybe longer hauls, definitely higher ...

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Stealing Employees Via Their Cell Phones

Warehouses competing for labor know where your workers are from “geofencing” their cell phones and know how to connect on social media. “If somebody is going to sit in their car before their shift …and watch YouTube, I want them to watch our ads in ...

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Logistics Drives Global Prosperity

Take an “attaboy” or “attagirl” for your role in the last 10 years of global prosperity. Historically, prosperity never lasted this long. Andy Kessler, writing in the Wall Street Journal, believes that JIT inventory and better systems have sustained ...

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Management Won’t Listen

“No capital for revising the supply chain network…make do with what you have.” I heard this the other day….I’d appreciate your thoughts on what to do. Here are mine: Survey the customers and non-customers by having the sales team go out with a ...

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When Things Blow Up

“On June 21, the Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) 335,000 barrels per day (b/d) refinery in South Philadelphia experienced… “On June 21, the Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES) 335,000 barrels per day (b/d) refinery in South Philadelphia ...

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Broker Wars Heating Up

“Uber is currently prioritizing the build-out of supply/demand density and is therefore sharing 99% of gross revenue with its carriers (vs. the industry standard of 80-85%),” Morgan Stanley. At the same time, JB Hunt’s digital brokerage is ...

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Paying over-the-road drivers by the hour

With modern tracking technology, paying over-the-road drivers by the hour concept, which a few years ago… With modern tracking technology, paying over-the-road drivers by the hour concept, which would’ve been totally counter-productive a few years ...

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