Supply Chain Optimization

Need To Do Better Than Just Putting Lipstick On A Pig

How many shippers are still not treating carriers well? I think we are finding out that shippers who force long waits on their carriers or have big spikes in demand are learning that trucks are harder and more expensive to get. There are stories of ...

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Truck Shortages And Oil

Truck shortages are old and, unfortunately, recurring news. To add insult to the incremental cost that shippers are paying to hire a truck on the spot market, gains in oil prices seem to be accelerating. On Friday, as I write this, oil is over $66! ...

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Diesel Prices Still Rising

Options traded in New York are heavily wagering that diesel prices will… Options traded in New York are heavily wagering that diesel prices will rise. The number of bets on the price rising is up 6% in the last week. The last time we had this kind ...

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Warehouse Space Costs Hit New Highs And Oil >$60

When you hear that land on which to build a warehouse is going for $1.75 million per acre in Northern New Jersey (up 17 % year over year) and you hear famed real estate mogul Sam Zell say, “If someone needs a bell ringing to figure out that the real ...

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Companies Using 3PL’s Can Breathe Easier (For Now)

With the reconstituting of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the stupid Joint Employment rules which had pushed the responsibility for a 3PL’s actions onto the company that hires said 3PL. You can read the summary. But, as the headline ...

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Foiling Self Driving Vehicles And CSX News

Firstly, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! While we don’t think about it, self-driving trucks and cars use artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions. But AI can be easily fooled. For example, these vehicles stop when a stop sign is placed at ...

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Road & Rail Upgrades

The White House is putting the finishing touches on a plan to direct federal spending of $200 billion or more – funds it would propose to offset with cuts elsewhere in the federal budget – to leverage hundreds of billions more from local governments ...

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The Dunning-Kruger effect

Who knew there was such a great name as the Dunning-Kruger effect for… Who knew there was such a great name as the Dunning-Kruger effect for the state of being ignorant? Can we develop a list of supply-chain-related areas where this applies? I know ...

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Oil Shortages?

Can technological breakthroughs avoid oil shortages? Can technological breakthroughs avoid oil shortages? Yes – oil shortages are a real possibility in the next five years because companies are not investing in exploration the way they used to…and ...

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The Move To Intermodal And Self Driving Trucks Is Heating Up

Last month’s report from the Association of American Railroads shows carloads at 1,065,777, off 0.1%, but intermodal set a new monthly record with a 6.4% annual gain to 1,144,157. While self-driving trucks are some distance away, more details are ...

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