Supply Chain Optimization

Container Costs Continue To Rise

The latest data I have shown containers from Asia to the US West Coast costing around $1,400 a year ago, in May, the same container cost about $750. Oil prices are expected to be somewhat flat, as shown by the futures market. The price for delivery ...

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Immature Inbound Is Expensive

Managing inbound transportation has often been a mark of a mature supply chain organization. By making inbound transportation a profit center, landed costs go down. But simply managing transportation is not enough. Expert supply chains are now ...

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It’s Not Amazon’s Fault And CSX Service Is Slowing

Don’t believe everything you read! I read an article the other day claiming that the US Postal Service gave Amazon special rates to get their business – delivering Amazon parcels the critical last mile. What the article should have said is that the ...

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How To Make A Small Fortune In Trucking

Recent events with Celadon, one of the largest US long-haul truckers, show… Recent events with Celadon, one of the largest US long-haul truckers, show that to make a small fortune…start with a large fortune. Celadon’s share price has dropped from ...

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Infrastructure Delays

To fix roads, costs at the pump are up… I often travel over the bridge in I71 that connects Ohio with Northern Kentucky. Generally, a backup on a 50+-year-old bridge carries twice its designed traffic level. The bad news is that they will close half ...

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Big Brother Is Watching

In exchange for better insurance rates, trucking companies are adding cameras to truck cabs. Insurance rates for commercial vehicles are on the rise. Estes says they are up 20% in 2 years. Driven by “nuclear judgments” – penalties that sometimes run ...

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Jolt To The Energy Market

“Circle January 2020 on your calendar for what could be a major disruption to the energy market and a jolt to the global economy” was the lead sentence in the Wall Street Journal. “Circle January 2020 on your calendar for what could be a major ...

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New Pipeline Adds To Rail

New pipeline adds to rail and ocean tanker woes...Bulk transportation rates will go down. Energy Transfer Partners started moving oil through the much disputed but now completed Dakota Access Pipeline. Capable of moving 450,000 barrels a day, it ...

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Drones, Self-Driving Trucks, And Big Data

Oh My! The Future Of Supply Chain That Is Just Around The Corner Unfortunately, just because everybody is talking about drones and self-driving trucks, it doesn’t mean they are going to happen soon. But big data is happening now! And every company ...

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Carol and the center of the Grocery store

Meet Carol. Carol, besides sending you this email each week, goes to the… Meet Carol. Besides sending you this email each week, Carol goes to the grocery store about 3 times a week. She is typical of shoppers who mostly start in produce, go to the ...

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