Supply Chain Optimization

Dust Up On The Rails

Moving from Intermodal back to the truck is normally driven by service needs. A recent discussion with a transportation manager… Moving from Intermodal back to the truck is normally driven by service needs. In a recent discussion with a ...

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Report From India

While US companies are looking to build plants closer to customers to offset record-high trucking costs and seek out pockets of available workers in a tight labor market, India, a source of plentiful labor and a fast-growing economy, is building and ...

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JB Hunt Shows What Is Happening In The Marketplace

Intermodal: Revenue per load is up 7.5 %, and the average length of haul is down 1% Intermodal was 68% of the profit in JB Hunt Brokerage (ICS): Gross margins holding at ~14.4%, loads up 5% with the carrier base up 15%…up to 44 branches and still ...

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Europe Has The Same Problems As The USA

I spent a week in Europe and can report: Shortages of labor in Western Europe are as concerning as they are here High labor costs in Western Europe are driving increased automation of items such as layer picking. Migrants are seen as ready labor ...

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One Loss And Two Wins For The Good Guys

Loss: In a ruling that will cost shippers more, an Arkansas court ruled drivers must be paid for all time worked – including waiting. Win: Like Trump or not, the decision to pull out of the postal agreement that allowed China, among others, to ship ...

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Toothpaste By Air Freight

The Amazon generation is driving significant supply chain inefficiency. It used to be that only “high value/pound” products like cameras and electronics went by air. Now, to meet the two-day or next-day delivery schedules demanded by consumers, more ...

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Shortages Of Trucks

At the CSCMP conference in early October, a trucking company owner said that in order to reduce the shortage of trucks, the industry needed to increase driver wages – his take was $85-$100K. This is not out of line with what I hear Walmart is ...

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Give Up On Relationships

At the CSCMP conference, I heard a lot about the need for good relationships with carriers. Given that more than 50% of the for-hire trucks are in fleets of less than 20 trucks, having a relationship is impractical. (It is like one girl wanting to ...

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Paying Truckers Faster

Access to capital for the majority of the 700,000 carriers that have fewer than 20 trucks is coming at a hefty price. FreightRover Inc. plans to factor $500 million in freight bills as soon as the carrier sends the data from a phone app. But fast ...

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Buy Oil – Rent Pallets

Oil prices look to increase as OPEC and Russia seem reluctant to grow shipments to fully meet… Oil prices look to increase as OPEC and Russia seem reluctant to grow shipments to meet both growth and the loss of Iranian oil fully. While the US is now ...

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