Supply Chain Optimization

Ya Gotta Love The Courts

President Trump reversed President Obama’s approach to offshore drilling expanding areas that… President Trump reversed President Obama’s approach to offshore drilling, expanding areas that can be explored and developed for oil. Not so fast, said ...

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Results from Bellwether J.B. Hunt tells a story

Revenue up 8% – income down 1%… but this breaks down to: What we know… dedicated is profitable. A portion of revenue increases comes from pricing. I hear from clients that intermodal can cost more than a truck more often than before. JBH -Intermodal ...

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Great In Theory – Stupid In Practice

Sequencing activities in a warehouse based on when it is going out the door makes a lot of sense…in theory. In practice, ship times are often clustered around the beginning and end of day shift, meaning that it is necessary to pick hours ahead of ...

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Carrier Shocks

Diesel fuel costs will spike when ship owners comply with… Diesel fuel costs will spike when ship owners comply with clean air rules by filling up en masse with distillates, i.e., diesel. Imagine ships suddenly all wanting carrier diesel fuel. It ...

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Disaster in Midwest – Did you know?

Flooding has wiped out bridges, roads, and railroads…Did you know… Flooding has wiped out bridges, roads, and railroads… Did you know that railroads help each other when disaster strikes? When one has a washout, competitors will allow them to use ...

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Brakes On US Oil Production Means Higher Prices

Oil producers are finding that their strategy to supercharge oil and gas production by drilling thousands of new wells close together is turning out to be a bust. What’s more, it is hurting the performance of older existing wells, forcing the ...

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Four For Four

There have been 4 major ship fires in 4 months. While this is exceptional, and we hope for a blue-moon event, the reality is that shippers need to take significant responsibility. Undeclared hazardous goods and poorly packed dangerous goods subject ...

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Grit…not Genius

“Modern wars are won by grinding, not by genius” – Cathal J Nolan. This may apply to the e-commerce war between Walmart and Amazon. News from the RILA Supply Conference and other sources show Walmart exceeded expectations with comparable e-commerce ...

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Hard To Get Your Share

Mega container ships keep getting bigger – adding capacity to lanes. Mega container ships keep getting bigger – adding capacity to lanes. Total capacity is expected to grow 5% over the next 4 years, while demand for boxes may be down (no trade deal) ...

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It Isn’t Racy But It Is Good Practice

How much time and effort is wasted in picking and loading because nobody takes the time to get the item master accurate? Here are examples: A supplier complains because their customers keep ordering 15 cases – when a layer is 14. It turns out the ...

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