Supply Chain Optimization

Friends With Benefits

Supply Chain Load Building

FMI and GMA used to put on a joint Supply Chain Conference to discuss important “Trading Partner” issues, but it dwindled to mostly second-tier retailers and a few manufacturers (it will be smaller and transportation-focused this year). There are ...

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Clean Up In Aisle 3

Yes, there is a mess in the center store. At the same time that Kroger tells us that their prices to the consumer are going DOWN, manufacturers like Smucker’s, ConAgra, General Mills, and Hershey tell us that costs are going UP! Something has to ...

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Supreme Problems And Rail

OMG – the Supreme Court allowed a class action suit against J.B. Hunt Transport Inc. to move ahead. Hunt had claimed that Federal transportation law doesn’t preempt California from setting its own rules on how truck drivers are paid and when they ...

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Higher Rent – Who Cares?

It is no secret that warehouses near urban markets have been a hot commodity. Blackstone has been buying them based on the belief that rents will rise rapidly…they already own 443 million square feet in the Americas. Much of this space is near major ...

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Putting the PARTNER in Trading Partner

Last week, Mike Green and I witnessed a brilliant conference. Congratulations to the TPA (Trading Partner Alliance) for: Excellent case studies with practical, scalable results. Example: dock scheduling issues at the manufacturer cause 14% of ...

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Sea Changes In Logistics

This piece is long – but it is worth reading… Sea change #1: “Freight rates are becoming more dynamic and moving away from static rate tables in LTL,” according to Peter Moore (an academic writer in Logistics Management and no relation). This got me ...

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New York And New Jersey Encourage Strikes + Oil Going Up?

New York and New Jersey encourage strikes – how else can you explain: A new law in New Jersey allowing strikers to claim unemployment insurance in only 4 weeks A bill that the Governor hasn’t yet signed– but passed by the NY Senate – to allow ...

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Brokers Bulk Up

Brokered freight is now 20% of all truck moves – up from 5% in 2000. But brokers are moving beyond just moving data. JB Hunt Brokerage, Convoy, and Uber, amongst others, are providing drop trailers to expedite shipments and enhance driver ...

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Walmart Demands Higher Service – But It Is For Your Own Good

At last week’s Gartner conference, Simon Bailey (Analyst) talked about how getting on-time, in-full (OTIF) is harder. From 2015-2018 : Case fill is down 1.2% to 93.3% On time is down 1% to 90.6% But Monique Picou, VP at Walmart, made it clear that ...

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News On 3 “New Players” In Supply Chain

Amazon‘s freight brokerage platform has been testing for approved carriers to send shipments among five East Coast states since last year. (Sources CNBC) “This service, intended to utilize our freight network better, has been around in various forms ...

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