Supply Chain Optimization

Oil Prices – Hold On Tight

Oil prices may be in for a bumpy ride… Oil prices may be in for a bumpy ride: Saudi ARAMCO is to sell some shares to the public. While most of the discussion has been around the valuation – $1.7 Trillion (With a “T”) or $2 Trillion (they have ...

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Carrier Supply = Bigger

For the past months, freight demand has run ahead of 2018 (it just went below this week). Yet, at the same time, everybody tells me this has been a much easier year to find trucks. Even that data bears that out: Tender rejection rate July 2018 = 32% ...

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What Is The Difference?

Effective Jan. 1, California law reclassifies most independent contractors as… Effective Jan. 1, California law reclassifies most independent contractors as full-time employees. For example, Uber drivers are now employees. What is the difference ...

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Doing Less With Less

One shipper claims the efficiency of “Precision railroading” is “doing less with less and not charging less.” But there have been benefits: Norfolk Southern, using lean techniques, has reduced dwell time in its terminals by 20%, and Union Pacific ...

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Is It Time To Blow Up The Concept Of Focusing On “Core Competencies?”

The fashionable approach to supply chain management is to outsource anything that is not a core competency. Key points: Obviously, no one ever wants to focus on something at which they are incompetent There is the inherent assumption that the ...

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Re-Regulating Transportation – It Could Happen

As politicians talk more about regulation in industries and making sure “stakeholders” come in front of shareholders, we should keep in mind that what was considered “good regulation” often has bad impacts. Wall Street Journal author Phil Gramm had ...

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Havoc In Global Shipping

With Cosco Shipping Energy Transportation being blacklisted by the US for moving Iranian crude, one broker sees ‘snowballing panic’ as oil traders rush to find replacement vessels. Supply down = costs up. So far, the parent company COSCO is not on ...

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A Sea Change in Freight

Spot-market freight received another boost from Uber… Spot-market freight received another boost from Uber: $600 million investment Hiring 2000 people New “Freight” HQ in Chicago (where it can find qualified people from Hub, Coyote, etc.) At the ...

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Don’t Expect LTL Savings

Rob Estes, CEO, of Estes Express gave some disturbing stats: Rob Estes, CEO, of Estes Express gave some disturbing stats: Dwell time is up (this is disturbing – we are supposed to be carrier friendly) Trailers for each tractor have grown from 1.5 to ...

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Dealing with Warehouse Groundhog Day

First, some news bites: Trucker bankruptcies are up over 300% YTD vs. the same period last year Truckload freight rates overall dipped 0.1% in July – Source Cass Spot rates are down 19% YoY – Source DAT Hiring new order selectors daily is a fact of ...

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