Supply Chain Optimization

Time To Worry Even Without The Coronavirus?

Even before disappointing results from JB Hunt – one of my leading indicators – and well before the Coronavirus, the Cass freight index showed December volume down 7.9% while spending was only down 6.2%. This is not good news. Note the change in ...

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Inflammatory Labeling

Many fires at sea are being caused by… The cargo is causing many fires at sea – not the ship's operations. The Maersk Honam lost 25% of its crew to one such fire. Complex rules mean that labeling containers is both wrong and sometimes dangerous. A ...

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Too Many Rail Cars

There are thousands (some say it is nearly 400,000) of lessor-owned rail cars sitting idly around the country. Why? There are thousands (some say it is nearly 400,000) of lessor-owned rail cars sitting idly around the country. Why? Railroads turning ...

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Department Of Labor Investigates, Prosecutes, Tries, And Punishes

How could it be that the same department that finds and prosecutes labor problems can also be a judge, jury, and executioner? Oracle is challenging the Labor Department’s Office of Federal Contract Compliance legal authority to judge its own cases. ...

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Win One For The Shipper…

Finally, some sense prevails…California has… long wanted to have owner-operators and other contract workers considered employees. Fortunately, a California judge gave the thumbs-down to this. California law is preempted by Federal law that largely ...

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Projections For 2020 – Oil Will Continue Its Upward Rise

Oil will continue its upward rise…Why? Oil will continue its upward rise…Why? Fracked wells are not producing at the level originally projected. As they age, well yield is declining 15% faster than forecast Because of the above, frackers are having ...

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Big Mac Saves Co-Employment

Mcdonald's is NOT the joint employer for staff working for their franchisees. This case sets an important precedence…. but it may not be a lasting precedence…the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) delivered a split decision. What this means for ...

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Saudi’s Win Through Fear

OPEC will hold back a total of roughly 1.7 million barrels a day from global oil markets, deepening the current curb of 1.2 million barrels a day. The move came after Saudi Arabia threatened to boost oil production unilaterally if some OPEC nations ...

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Gartner Agrees

When discussing generating transportation savings in the current environment, Gartner analyst Farrah Salim agreed with… When discussing generating transportation savings in the current environment, Gartner analyst Farrah Salim agreed with what we ...

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Networks… They Are Changing

There was a time when network strategy was relatively stable. Not anymore. The cost and reliability of transportation drive a rethink. For high-value, low-weight items like electronics, it is still economical to transport them zillions of miles and ...

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